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Frontend Beginner

The Fundamentals


HTML and CSS are the two fundamental basic blocks of web (other two being JS, and the recenrlt developed WebAssembly).

A simple tutorial should be good enough to get you going. Dont' spend more than an hour on each of these.

Exercise - HTML, CSS

  • Exercise 1 (HTML/CSS) - Build a Hostel-Admission Form
  • Exercise 2 (HTML/CSS) - Build an Ecommerce Product Card
  • Exercise 3 (HTML/CSS) - Fun with Flags

JS - Language

Learn the basics and fundamentals of JavaScript langugage

Learn about Functions, Objects and Arrays


Learn how JavaScript is used to add various functionality in the web-page, effectively making it what's called a Web-App now a days.

Exercise - JS Language, DOM

  • Exercise 4 (JS Language, DOM) - BMI Calculator
  • Exercise 5 (JS Language, DOM) - Build TicTacToe Game

JS - WebAPIs, Fetch

JS - Routing

Exercise - WebAPIs, Fetch, Routing

  • Exercise 6 (JS WebAPIs, Fetch, Routing) - Build a Music Player

JS - Debugging and Developer's Tools


Routing wihtout loading new doc

State Management

Frameworks - VueJS


Instructions -

  • It's recommended to use FrameWork (like VueJS, ExpressJS)

  • TODO - Reminder to self to create a full-stack project template

  • Use continous integration and deployment, and hosting tools

  • Project 1 - Pokemon Fandom World

  • Project 2 - Video-Streaming-Site

  • Project 3 - Dictionary

Implement Dictionary in a web-app. Project statement here

System Design




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